The Newmyer Organization
The Newmyer Organization manages a diverse array of consulting activities, investments, and philanthropic activities.
The largest share of our consulting activities is focused on providing fiduciary services that generally assist families with succession and wealth transfer across generations. A smaller share is focused on public positioning and brand enhancement.
Our investment interests are diverse and hard to describe in a sentence or two. The holdings range from FCC-authorized wireless spectrum to partial ownership of a high-end home building company. The largest segment is in real estate.
Our philanthropic activities are directed largely at helping kids by assisting those who shape their lives and experiences -- in the classroom, the hospital, and even at home. Like other funders, we try hard to find opportunities that are systemic and that have the potential for outsized outcomes that can be measured convincingly.
We have old-fashioned values and habits -- integrity, reliability, good citizenship, spiritual devotion -- and even an edgy sense of humor. We are eager to grow all of our areas and we screen opportunities by first getting to know, in depth, the folks with whom we engage.
Our headquarters office, with a very small staff, is in the Palm Beach area of Florida.

First, Mr. Newmyer serves as an independent fiduciary for a number of high-net worth families and their entities. He often is named trustee but sometimes carries other titles.

The largest slice of our pie is in real estate. We started out syndicating land and seeking rezoning forty years ago near Dulles International Airport in Virginia.

Through our founder's philanthropic entity as well as directly, we try to maximize the impact of our limited capacity by doing innovative and interesting things.